Developing your s**ual identity involves a continuous process of self exam while absorbing other people and living life.
As with most journeys, most people embark on this by way of thoughts about themselves, that then become clear recognition.
Emma Flint, a journalist came into abros**ual life through an honest memoir in which she later disclosed how she managed to find her way out. She struggled relentlessly in 1990s society to let the world know who she really was s**ually.

That was the time when people were not that aware of different LGBTQ identities present in society. Those who were not straight, gay or lesbian were forced to give one of these predetermined options.
Flint shared about his upbringing and said, “I grew up feeling lost.” I was not able to point to what was wrong, my identity changed in an undeterministically fashion.
Flint continued to think about the many unsolved mysteries of her present life year after year. She went through different decades without being able to identify her identity to labels, and even searched for better relations from age to age.
However, in 2020 Flint came across an Instagram post made by Zoe Stoller. Moreover, Zoe teaches social media content to let people know about the identities beyond the main LGBTQ+ ones.
Flint recalled it was “It was like a light bulb went off”. “Finally, there was a term – abros**ual – that perfectly described what I had been experiencing all along.”

Abros**uality along with other s**ual identities belongs to the multis**ual continuum based on the fact that one’s s**ual attraction can vary over time.
It supplied Flint with the necessary information to its identity, which was understanded and confirmed.
As for Flint, there is no true lack of decision, or in which case it is uncertain. “It was simply how my identity naturally evolves.”
Abros**uality is the way someone feels having the ability to harness the shift of their s**ual interest beyond normal labelling.
Abros**ual people are those who identify as such and whose s**ual attr**ctions change over time and cannot be had as a part of another group of s**ual orientation.

The problems I had with abros**ualism led me to declare myself an abros**ual. When Flint confessed her identity to the friend, she did not response positively to it because the friend did not understand the term well.
Flint’s s** life challenges do not dictate overall happiness or her support for her in other important parts of her life.
Although they knew nothing about it, people from her personal life took initiatives to understand her s**ual identity.
After when Flint went through all that, the public still needs to know and embrace various s**ual orientations. It also shows from her review of her s**ual journey how she gets a different variety of reactions from people.
People assume that people that are abros**ual are more likely to experience problems in love lives. Though she is able to love and commit in a relationship while still being able to change her own s**ual orientation, Flint doesn’t believe this thought to be true.

Her feelings towards someone she is attracted to does not depend on gender. My passionate feelings for the partner I love do not change just because of my changing identity.
In her view there is no need for ‘normal’ s**ual categories to judge love and commitment. Indeed, the reason for true passion in these relationships is that the partners are emotionally companionate, even if they are different genders.
Flint wants society to treat abros**uality as one of the natural characteristics of human in society. What she wants everyone in society today to know and have to understand diverse s**ual identities such as hers.
A case in point is that people abide by abros**ual standards because they must, not because they want to.
Being abros**ual is therefore something to be recognized because regardless of how different it is to other people, it doesn’t mean you should change to fit in with others.
It has taken Flint 30 years to find her self in the beginning and reveal her s**ual fluidity. And since then, she has relished in living life as who she constantly was. I accept this label since it perfectly suits my identity and I care more about my identity than the others.

Flint had spent three decades trying to find the truth, and she mastered her ability to proclaim herself as abros**ual. With all this, I have freed my mind and a sense of self.
It was only after she had to take a challenging path to accept her true identity.
Thus, Flint does not have to respect external views and perceptions that she should not be herself, which means she can be Flint authentically all through life. She advises people that there is no specific time limit for accepting your s**ual identity discoveries.