While social media is good for many things, lying definitely isn’t one of them. Unfortunately, a lot of posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are surprisingly true to little truth. Most of those lies are ignored, but some are just too obvious to ignore. These people posted lies of epic proportion on social media and each one got called out.
You Just Crossed the Feline
When you’re trying to sell something on social media, it’s a great idea to make sure that the photo doesn’t stand in opposition to what you’re saying in the description. This couch is surely a little used. And yes, it is soft and grey.
But as soon as you get up to the point that you’re saying no pets have been on this piece of furniture and there’s a cat sitting behind that very same couch, you know, it’s probably time to look somewhere else.
What the Fox?
Celebrities have the right to discuss whatever they please on talk shows as long as they agree with the host and producers beforehand. This also applies vice versa. Hosts usually make sure to check with the celebrity about any sensitive topics they might want to bring up prior to the interview.
So when the Huffington Post posted this tweet about Megan Fox, Jimmy Kimmel was quick to shut them down and he wasn’t afraid to drop an emphatic expletive!