While social media is good for many things, lying definitely isn’t one of them. Unfortunately, a lot of posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are surprisingly true to little truth. Most of those lies are ignored, but some are just too obvious to ignore. These people posted lies of epic proportion on social media and each one got called out.
You Just Crossed the Feline
When you’re trying to sell something on social media, it’s a great idea to make sure that the photo doesn’t stand in opposition to what you’re saying in the description. This couch is surely a little used. And yes, it is soft and grey.
But as soon as you get up to the point that you’re saying no pets have been on this piece of furniture and there’s a cat sitting behind that very same couch, you know, it’s probably time to look somewhere else.
What the Fox?
Celebrities have the right to discuss whatever they please on talk shows as long as they agree with the host and producers beforehand. This also applies vice versa. Hosts usually make sure to check with the celebrity about any sensitive topics they might want to bring up prior to the interview.
So when the Huffington Post posted this tweet about Megan Fox, Jimmy Kimmel was quick to shut them down and he wasn’t afraid to drop an emphatic expletive!
New World Record!
Rob seemed to be pretty relaxed after “realizing” that he had run five kilometers in just 10 minutes. It sounds like it was just a normal run and something that he could easily do again. Thankfully, Cal showed up to remind Rob that the world record for the 5k is 12 minutes.
Honestly, we are more surprised that Rob didn’t reply to Cal by saying the following: “Well if that’s the case, I’m going to have to submit this to the Guinness World Records!”
So Shady
This guy must have felt pretty embarrassed after advertising this apparently “brand new” pair of sunglasses that had never been worn before. Apparently, though, he wasn’t that excited to let them go after all, seeing that he was actually wearing them in his profile picture.
The problem was that he was careless with his lie! Word of advice to people trying to sell stuff on social media: make sure you dot all of your I’s and cross all of your T’s.
Did She Trip On Her Phone?
It’s impossible to believe that this young lady “didn’t mean to post” a selfie of herself. Her pose for the camera is unquestionable and she still hasn’t deleted it! To be fair, the person who commented has a really good point.
It takes a number of careful steps to post a photo on one of your social media accounts. The only excuse she has is that maybe she did it subconsciously, and that is disturbing.
He Doesn’t Believe in Second Place
On face value, it does look like the swimmer who posted this photo wasn’t lying. We assumed that he was just racing the person in the lane next to him. Maybe he did genuinely turn his head to make sure he was winning.
So either he had no idea that the person in the third lane was also in the race. Or, he is deliberately ignoring the fact that this person was way ahead in the race!
Amazing Photoshopping Skulls
Let’s face it, if the discovery of two giant skulls was actually true, it would have been breaking news around the world. Thankfully, someone was quick to clear up where this photo actually came from.
It turns out that it won a digital enhancing photo competition, which makes a lot more sense. Kudos to whoever conjured up this lie of a caption, it was actually pretty convincing for a second! At any rate, it is quite a stunning image!
A Legitimate Time Traveler
For some strange reason, this woman tried to convince the internet that this photo is of her mother from the 70s. However, someone was quick to point out that the person is wearing a FitBit!
If you are trying to pass off that a photo of you was taken 50 years ago, make sure to get rid of any obvious features from the present day. We don’t want anyone to suspect that you traveled back in time with your DeLorean!
A Rocky Post
At first, this person’s friends were genuinely impressed by the photo he had supposedly taken of himself during his trip to the Rockies. Apparently, this guy “had an amazing trip and shredded the mountains every day.”
However, he managed to make it extremely easy to be exposed. Not only did he steal the photo, but it was the very first photo to appear on a Google image search! Next time, just take some honest photos of your trip.
Con Artist
Anyone who has spent enough time on YouTube has probably stumbled across PewDiePie at some stage of their lives.
However, it turns out that the person who submitted this post online didn’t even draw it. It was already posted 200 days prior! There is nothing more disgraceful than passing off someone else’s art as your own.
Who’s a Good Boy?
Let’s face it: if a human was to destroy something in the household, even if it was by accident, we’d be quick to yell at them. However, if a dog deliberately destroyed one of your pillows, it’s almost impossible to be angry with them, especially when they are staring into your soul with those beautiful eyes.
It seems though that the person who commented on the photo is implying that the owner orchestrated the crime just to get some likes!
Type-Cast? More Like “Type-Wrong”
Many actors have suffered from being typecast in certain roles. There are also plenty of Hollywood stars who might often put on an American accent, despite being from abroad. Take Chris O’Dowd, for example, who has had a number of roles playing an American character, and he seems to be able to pull it off.
Then, when the Irish Daily Mirror claimed that he was sick and tired of doing this, he was quick to tell them otherwise. Chris is doing just fine.
Poor Little Guy Was Set Up!
When we first saw this photo, we couldn’t help but say “awe” at this adorable little kitten who was supposedly caught by their owner eating some of their yogurt.
However, as you can see, this wasn’t exactly difficult when the owner left an open tub on the kitchen floor! It’s just not the same when an owner orchestrates an incident involving their pet just so they can get likes and shares on social media.
Bow Wow’s in the Doghouse!
It’s bad enough when celebrities show off their rich lifestyles on social media. But when they are flat-out lying about it, that takes matters to an all-time low. Like the time when rapper Bow Wow posted a photo of a private jet, claiming that he was about to board it on his way to New York City.
What Bow Wow didn’t realize though was that someone had taken a photo of him from behind, while he was sitting on a public flight!
What a Poser
Listen, people should feel free to post photos of themselves on social media. It isn’t a crime and we’re not going to judge them for it. But at least have the decency to post a photo of yourself, not somebody else!
This young lady thought she would be able to post this photo on her Facebook page, convincing her friends and family that it was actually her. However, someone was quick to call her out, proving that she had stolen a photo of actress Aiza Khan.
Vacay? More like Fake-Cay!
To be fair, this is probably one of the oldest tricks in the book of social media lies. As long as you have a beach towel, you are lying down virtually anywhere in the world and the sun is out, you can convince people that you are at the beach, sunbathing.
This guy had no idea though that someone else was taking a photo of him while he was trying to pull off this stunt. He was actually in a field.
The Shades Don’t Lie
We have no idea why someone would lie about being stuck in traffic on social media. Unless they were trying to convince someone specific that they were going to be late for something, we have no idea why they would go out of their way to do this.
Word of advice though, if you do lie about this, do not wear sunglasses while you’re taking a selfie in your car. Never underestimate the power of reflections…
I Am Shocked
It’s quite amazing to think that someone has lived their entire life not using the word “am.” Apparently, at every possible chance, they have said “I’m” and not “I am.” We find that extremely difficult to believe!
On a side note, we are also pretty bothered about how quick the person is to criticize the term “am,” and yet he has no problem leaving out the apostrophe in “doesn’t.” It’s things like this that really bother us!
Back from the Dead!
Any true film buff is aware of the impact that John Carpenter has had on movie history. The man behind hits such as Halloween and Escape from New York has been very selective with his projects over the years. But the ones he has worked on have often gone on to be great successes.
For some strange reason, leading movie review website Rotten Tomatoes assumed the director was dead. However, Carpenter commented on the tweet that he was in fact, still alive!
Read the Label!
This is what happens when the customer doesn’t fully understand what they have purchased and as a result, they failed to benefit from it. Specifically, this person just didn’t realize that their value refill bottle isn’t supposed to have a pump on it.
They probably installed it themselves and now they are confused. Thankfully, this person has the internet. Otherwise, it might have taken them many more years to learn their lesson! Always read the label, folks.
The Force Is Wrong With This One
In case you haven’t noticed, Mark Hamill is a very active individual on social media. Not only does he enjoy interacting with his fans, but he also likes to troll a lot, and isn’t afraid to speak his mind.
So when Heroic Hollywood posted the following headline on Twitter, the Star Wars star was quick to shoot them down for what he confirmed were wrongful claims. All it took was three words: “No, I didn’t.”
The Lying King
These days, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know how to transform photos through the power of photoshop. This person posted the following “photo” online of what they claimed to be a lion with melanism.
Surely enough though, a fact-checker was ready to save the day, posting the original photo of a normal looking lion. It was already obvious that the person had edited the photo. Proof of that was just the icing on the cake.
A Masterpiece in Lying
People can do such desperate things to create lies and try to maintain them. Take this guy, for example. Thankfully, someone burst into the comments section and suggested that he must have put a variety of filters on the photo.
This ended up making it look more like a piece of art than an original photograph. We would be a bit more forgiving if the guy wasn’t so vain. “Dang I am soooo fine!!!” Who says things like that?
Maybe a Ghost Took the Photo
Unfortunately, the following social media lie has been done by plenty of couples around the world. Technically speaking, it isn’t even a lie. It just doesn’t really make sense! How can you take a selfie when you are both asleep?
Maybe a ghost took the photo for them. Or, maybe it was their dog who took the photo and posted the photo online without them knowing about it. Your guess is as good as ours.
Slightly Off With That Estimate
Someone should remind the person who posted this that a quarter is literally a fourth of a dollar. We understand how the person got to $9,125 but make sure you know what the correct answer is before you share it with the world.
Thankfully, the person who commented on the post put together a funny response that made sure not to poke too much fun at the original poster. Let’s just hope they didn’t believe the comment!
Stuper-Dupid Heroes
In this day and age, many kids are absolutely obsessed with superheroes and can you blame them? Caped crusaders such as Batman, Superman, and Iron Man are the main characters in so many multi-million dollar blockbuster movies.
It’s no surprise that kids all over the world want to dress up as them. However, this person couldn’t tell the difference between Spider-Man and Superman when he tried selling this costume online and he was immediately called out for it. Know what you’re selling, folks!
What the Freckle?
It’s easy to get caught up in the world of social media and feel a need to share photos of our new hairstyles and general appearance to seek validation from others.
Take this young woman, for example, who was excited to share a photo of herself. According to her, she used no filter on the camera, she applied no makeup whatsoever and everything about her was natural. Unsurprisingly, she received a ton of negative comments from her peers calling her out on her deception.
Back to the Fake Future
Vintage photos are a big deal these days on social media. Millions can’t help but share photographic blasts from the past as it is a beautiful way of being taken back to another era.
However, this person had the nerve to share a photo they took at their supermarket and tried to convince the online community that it was actually taken back in 1979. It didn’t take long before someone noticed the stand of Powerade at the end of the aisle.
Do the Math!
We’re not entirely sure if this qualifies as a lie. The following screenshot might just be an example of a lack of intelligence. Like many people online, Charley took what she believed to be a legitimate IQ test.
In the end, she ended up getting a score of 85, which is below average. So when she posted in the caption that she got a score of 125, we can only put it down her being in denial about her real score.
Mommy Knows Best
Whatever the context is behind the following social media post, we do know that it has something to do with a car. Word of advice: if you are going to tell lies on Facebook that involve your parents, make sure that you don’t have your parents on your “friends” list.
They might be more tech-savvy than you realized. At the very least, they are perfectly able to read your posts and moreover, they probably know when you are lying.
You Better Beliebe It!
Let’s face it: a disproportionately high number of teenagers are obsessed with Justin Bieber. Many fans of the Canadian pop star love him so much that they will even have usernames paying homage to him.
Take this young woman, for example, who named herself “Biebersgurl4ever1” on Reddit. Although her post suggests that she’s actually not such a big fan of “the Biebs,” others begged to differ and called her out on her more than obvious username.
It’s Legit, I Quit!
We never want to see our friends lose their jobs, especially if they are financially struggling. However, if you still have co-workers on Facebook after you are no longer working with them, make sure to tell the truth about the circumstances in which your employment came to an end.
Ultimately, this person seemed to forget that at least one of his co-workers knew that he quit his job, as opposed to being let go. Don’t try to hustle people if you don’t know how!
Did Someone Order a Fake-accino?
Some people have the deepest confidence issues that they have to convince the online community that they are getting love from imaginary people! This woman decided to share a photo of a Starbucks cup with the following message written on it: “For the prettiest girl I’ll see today.”
Without question, it would be worth sharing this photo on Instagram if it actually happened to you. However, someone managed to embarrass her by posting the link to the original photo…
Fake it Til’ You Bake It
We get it, the idea of accidentally dropping one’s phone into a cake before it goes in the oven is worth sharing online. It is bound to get tons of responses. Unfortunately, though, this person stole the image from a YouTube video.
We have no idea why someone would lie about dropping their phone into a cake mixture. The only explanation we’ve got is that they must be desperately looking for attention. Why not just post something that is true?