Everyone knows that name: Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe was one of Hollywood’s most famous celebs of all time and a timeless beauty that fans adored during her time, and still do today. But her life wasn’t always glitz and glamor. The small town she was born in as Norma Jean Baker (she would change her name later) with a single mother, was rough on the young girl. Because Gladys had mental health issues and was a single mother, taking care of Marilyn was too much for her and she had a mental breakdown. Marilyn was sent to live in foster care and she became institutionalized. As Marily got older she learned how to look after herself and joined the army during World War II and worked assembling drones. A photographer found her here and her whole life changed…
Going Under The Knife
Naturally, the world wanted to find out every single detail of Marilyn Monroe’s personal life, and the desire only increased as she passed away prematurely. But Marilyn managed to keep some intimate details out of the public sphere.

Plastic surgery wasn’t new to Marilyn – she had a nose job and a chin implant to alter her face. The fact is, plastic surgery in the 50’s wasn’t anywhere near as advanced as it is today, and yet Marilyn was actually brave to undergo the knife.