Technology isn’t easy for everybody. Some of us were born in a different generation, back when the landline phone was still the rage and cell phones used to weigh more than a gallon of milk. For some of our moms and dads, the exciting “new” world of the Internet is understandably hard to navigate.
But moms and dads will try their best, which often results in hilarious fails. Luckily, some of the funniest parents’ texts have been uploaded online for our enjoyment. Up next, we have 50-plus of the very best.
See Before Typing
Some moms aren’t just new to technology: they also have a hard time seeing all the tiny letters and buttons on their cell phones. The situation, of course, gets even worse when moms try to write a text without their glasses on.

In this hilarious exchange of messages, a mom lost her glasses and wrote a cryptic text that sounded like something coming straight out of a randomizer program. Her son or daughter was as puzzled as we are, but the final text explains everything!