Since everyone supposedly possesses a twin somewhere on Earth it appears reasonable that famous people would also possess their doppelgangers. A close resemblance to someone famous becomes an entirely different experience than having a casual likeness to your accountant. Standard citizens endure harassment from fans and paparazzi because they resemble major celebrities perfectly. Look at these bizarre resemblances then make your best effort to distinguish between them.
Angelina Jolie
Melissa Baizen is just a regular, everyday mom from Wisconsin. Yet, random people constantly ask for her autograph. It turns out those confused fans are mistaking Baizen for another beautiful mother – Angelina Jolie!
Melissa modestly said, “Every time I get the comparison, whether it’s at work, running an errand, or online, it’s very flattering but also hard for me to believe. I think she is absolutely gorgeous and never thought of myself in that respect.”