When it comes to choosing a yearbook quote, most high school seniors will go with one of a few options. Some students choose a powerful song or poem lyric that speaks to them, maybe something that helped them to get through a particularly difficult period of time. We’ve dedicated this list to the select few high school seniors who decide that, rather than taking their senior quotes seriously, they would prefer to use them as a chance to make teachers, parents, and fellow students laugh. The former high school students on our list truly went above an beyond in their quest for comedic gold. These hilarious high school yearbook photos will have you in tears from laughing so hard.
18 Years And Going Strong!
It’s safe to assume that Michelle has probably heard her fair share of rude comments, wisecracks, and jokes about her family’s name.

As a matter of fact, in middle school just about every time a teacher needed to read the attendance list, Michelle would ask to use the rest room. A lot of time has passed since her days of hiding in the bathroom during the daily attendance and grown-up Michelle wants the world to know that she is now proud to be a Ho!