When it comes to choosing a yearbook quote, most high school seniors will go with one of a few options. Some students choose a powerful song or poem lyric that speaks to them, maybe something that helped them to get through a particularly difficult period of time. We’ve dedicated this list to the select few high school seniors who decide that, rather than taking their senior quotes seriously, they would prefer to use them as a chance to make teachers, parents, and fellow students laugh. The former high school students on our list truly went above an beyond in their quest for comedic gold. These hilarious high school yearbook photos will have you in tears from laughing so hard.
18 Years And Going Strong!
It’s safe to assume that Michelle has probably heard her fair share of rude comments, wisecracks, and jokes about her family’s name.

As a matter of fact, in middle school just about every time a teacher needed to read the attendance list, Michelle would ask to use the rest room. A lot of time has passed since her days of hiding in the bathroom during the daily attendance and grown-up Michelle wants the world to know that she is now proud to be a Ho!
Something Doesn’t Add Up…
High school was hard for Zachary Chastain. It’s nothing short of a miracle that he somehow managed to balance academics, extra curricular activities, a social life, and college applications, all on top of being a teenage male single mother with no children.

The yearbook committee had a policy of accepting every yearbook quote, as long as they weren’t vulgar, so Zachary’s still made the cut. Once all of the students saw what he wrote, they realized that they probably should have been friends with him.
Liar, Liar
Brandon and Tasha seem to both have a pretty warped view of what ‘everyone’ is thinking.

While Brandon is clearly a bit delusional, assuming that everyone he has ever come in contact with thinks he his the nicest guy ever, Tasha also doesn’t seem to be the most reliable source, making the outlandish statement on behalf of ‘everyone’ that Brandon Dawson is a serial liar. With senior year in the books, these two will just have to agree to disagree.
She Didn’t Choose The Single Life, The Single Life Chose Her
For many, high school can be some of the cruelest and loneliest years of life. The awkward trials and tribulations of love can leave many adolescents feeling overwhelmed, and helpless.

These students cling to the hope that they will find a significant other in their 20s. While her four years of high school were certainly difficult, at least Morgan has a sense of humor about it and will be able to laugh at her hilarious yearbook quote for years to come.
Modest Maxwell
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That’s what Maxwell Barrett learned from his high school experience. Maxwell’s sense of humor and inspirational attitude definitely came in handy during his high school years.

While he most likely dealt with his fair share of bullying, ridicule, and name-calling before graduation, Maxwell certainly got the last laugh with his hilarious and clever yearbook quote. We just hope that Maxwell brought his positive outlook, sense of humor, and wardrobe with him to college!
Quoting A Scholar
Kim Kardashian is at it again, proving to the world why her net worth is valued at $175 million. If you thought it was her television show, fashion empire, or relationship with rapper Kanye West that led her to her current level of fame and success, think again.

Before the highly intellectual Kim Kardashian was known for her reality television series, business exploits, or overly publicized love life, she rose to fame as one of the world’s leading linguistics scholars.
The Over-Share
It was always a mystery why Tyler Bentley would laugh hysterically for the entirety of sixth period, her first class after lunch. Well, the mystery has officially been solved.

Tyler should learn that some things are better kept secret, or at least not published in her high school yearbook for all of her classmates to see. When it comes to sharing information about bodily functions, less is always more. It finally makes sense why she laughed so much harder on pizza day.
Never Too Old
Here we have yet another clever duo of yearbook neighbors. This time they wanted to honor everyone’s favorite Nickelodeon cartoon.

Considering that the first episode of Spongebob Squarepants aired all the way back in 1999, this is truly a timeless reference and will probably still be relevant when these two decide to reminisce and share some cherished high school memories with their children and possibly even grandchildren. This just goes to show that you’re never too old for some Spongebob.
Missy Knows Best
When the school administrators told Hannah to “pick a quote that matches your personality,” she knew exactly who she wanted to quote- none other than her role model Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliot.

Missy Elliot is a rapper and producer who pretty much ruled the 1990s and early 2000s with her catchy beats, innovative style, and willingness to say anything on her mind. When they asked Hannah why she chose Missy to be her senior quote her response was, “Real recognize real, right?!”
Yearbook twin jokes never get old. With practically endless material out there and two photos almost guaranteed to appear next to one another, twins never cease to amaze us.

This time, Katherine and Rebecca Henderson came up this hilarious side-by-side demonstration of why it’s so awesome to be a twin. While most of their classmates probably laughed and appreciated the twins’ humor, we’re not so sure that their parents felt the same way when they saw their daughters’ page in the yearbook.
Having a positive self image is so important, especially for high school students. Garrett Syke is the perfect example of what it means to be proud of who you are.

While having butterflies is typically a sign of love or attraction and some might even say it’s a little weird to get them when thinking about oneself, we’re just going to go ahead and call it a sign of self-admiration. Way to go Garrett Syke! Keep being who you are!
Quoting A Legend
While we don’t doubt that Martin Luther King Junior probably did, in fact, eat some incredibly delicious tacos at some point during his life, we’re not sure that these exact words actually came out of King’s mouth.

Sure, if the tacos were actually some really good tacos, he could have said it, but we can’t help but wonder if this high school graduate could have maybe chosen a better, more appropriate quote from the most influential civil rights leader of all time.
Not A Morning Person
Connor Hart must have a pretty bizarre morning routine. For just about every high school student, the act of waking up is the most difficult part of the morning by a landslide. For Connor, however, there is something more challenging that he faces every morning.

Perhaps Connor has a strict and demanding workout regiment that he follows each and every morning. This could also explain why Conor never wears sweatpants to school because they are always dirty after his morning workouts.
Classic Shwartz!
This one is really just classic Shwartz. We all thought he had outdone himself when he took his shirt off at the senior museum field trip and started riding one of the dinosaurs. But nope!

Shwartzy is at it again! Good old Greg definitely had his fair share of success with the ladies during his reign at GHS and was never shy about it. We’re just thankful that the always-classy Shwartz decided to pull off one more epic senior year shenanigan before graduation.
Giving Credit Wear Credit Is Do
This gentleman used his yearbook quote to give a shoutout to all of the English teachers who have molded him into an intelligent and capable young.

We’re sure his WHS teachers are so proud of how far he has come since his freshman year, when his writing needed improvement, to say the least. Now, as a graduating senior, he has learned so much more than can be taught in the classroom. His former teachers are confident that he will always do the write thing.
Know Your Role
Mitchell Wieland decided to use his senior yearbook quote to drop some harsh truths on his peers. While parents will often tell their children to “be themselves,” this advice can oftentimes be problematic and misleading.

What parents fail to consider is the possibility that their kid is naturally an unlikeable and undesirable person. Thankfully, for these kids, that’s where Mitchell comes in to tell them that it might be better to just try to blend in with the crowd.
An Honest Vegetarian
These days, it seems that everyone is talking about the latest dieting trends. Whether it’s vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or carb-free, the food we eat has become much more than a source of nutrition.

For some, switching to a plant-based diet has become an obsession. We all know that one vegan who, no matter what, will never stop talking about being a vegan, despite obvious social clues of disinterest. As the first ever honest vegetarian, Ankit Jain is truly a breath of fresh air.
Just One Time
Jason Avina chose to use his yearbook quote as an opportunity to advocate for one of everybody’s favorite breakfast foods. With absolutely zero context, we’re not really sure what Jason wants us to do with the information presented under his photo.

Perhaps Jason was trying to drop hints about the graduation present he had been hoping for- a gift certificate to his favorite bagel place. A much more likely option, Jason was simply a class clown looking for one last laugh before graduation.
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Anyone who’s seen Mean Girls, knows that high school girls can be incredibly cruel to their peers. Alixandra Garcia was apparently known among other students as a hilarious friend who would often say things that were so mean, there’s no way she could have possibly meant them.

Alixandra decided to use her yearbook platform to confess that she was, in fact, being entirely serious with all of the terrible things she said over her high school career. At least she was honest.
Dropping Some Knowledge
With one of the more profound and inspirational quotes on our list, James Curtin decided to quote a man with wisdom far beyond his years. We’re talking about none other than Sisqo of course, an R&B legend from the late ’90s.

Some might argue that Sisqo’s subject matter is simply too deep for a high school senior to comprehend. But James Curtin would dare to disagree. James believes that it’s never too early to take on deeply philosophical texts and quotes.
We could all learn a lot from Madi Genz and her inspirational attitude when it comes to food.

Madi is a true go-getter and the type of girl who refuses to let limitations such as dietary guidelines or what may or may not be considered socially acceptable hold her back from chasing her dreams and turning them into reality. There’s no mountain she can’t climb, no ocean she can’t swim, no obstacle she can’t conquer, and no pizza she can’t scarf down in one sitting.
That Spelling, Though
The always eloquent John Wayne has brought us some great words to live by. Wayne’s advice on how to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life is so moving that this gentleman decided that it belonged in a place where its wise words could echo into eternity- his high school yearbook.

This powerful commentary was included alongside two equally powerful senior photos. The only thing that could possibly strengthen this quote would be a quick spell check. Nicely done, yearbook editors.
That’s What She Quoted
Something tells us this kid might be a fan of The Office. Raunak Manandhar’s clever yearbook quote is a play on words inspired by one of Michael Scott’s favorite one-liners.

While at first, it may be unclear or difficult to understand, anyone who’s seen the show will surely appreciate Raunak’s subtle and dry sense of humor. We’re just glad that Raunak decided against using a boring inspirational quote like most of his peers and went with something a little more entertaining.